NSS cell or unit, established under the NSS State cell is an addition of activities in higher education with an aim at arousing social consciousness of the youth with an overall objective of personality development of students through community service while they are studying. NSS is working for integrated development of adopted villages through its regular activities and special camping programmes. An important feature of the NSS is that its programmes are organized by the students themselves under the guidance of Programme Officers duly appointed by college authority from the faculty members.
True to its motto of “NOT ME BUT YOU”, in trying to uphold the need for selfless service and empathy for fellow human beings NSS Williamnagar Government college organized cleaning drive, awareness on environmental issues and carried out plantation drive in and around Williamnagar Government College Compound. It underlines that the welfare of an individual ultimately depends on the welfare of society as a whole with the ultimate aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto in its day to day programme.